Haskell, William

Birth Name Haskell, William
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth about 1547    


    Family of Haskell, William
Name Birth Date Death Date
Haskell, William1573before 1630-05-11


!MARRIAGES:American Marriage Records Before 1699, p.103,HASCALL, John, Jr., and Mary Squire, 2 March 1699, Cambridge,Mass. HASKALL, Benjamin and Mary Riggs, 21 November 1677,Gloucester, Mass. HASKELL, John and Patience Soule, January1666, Middleboro, Mass. HASKELL, Joseph and Mary Graves, 2December 1675, Gloucester, Mass. HASKELL, William and MaryTybott, 6 November 1643, Gloucester, Mass. HASKELL, William andMary Browne, 3 July 1667, Gloucester, Mass. HASSELL, Abiah andJoseph Blanchard, 25 May 1696, Cambridge, Mass. HASSELL,Elizabeth and Joseph Wright, 1 November 1661, Charlestown, Mass.(All placed but Benjamin and Joseph.)!HISTORY: New England, page 441 - From a companion of Williamthe Conqueror, of Norman French stock, the family of Haskell isdescended, with coat-of-arms. The escutcheon itself is Norman.Its field is sais, or fur, derived from the fur with which therobes of only nobles or knoights were lined. The colors, argentand sable, are those which rendered the bearers noteworthy, thecombination indicating unblemished reputation. Argentcompounded with sable means the yielding up of pleasure, andalso famous. It is without device and such were in ancientopinion of the highest honor. It bears the fesse or waistbletof honor, one of the insignia of knighthood and its being ofgold would imply that the bearer was a knoight of no mean poweror wealth. The legend or origin of the crest is as follows: Atthe battle of Hastings, William the Conqueror, being faint fromlack of food, saw in the distance near the lines of Harold anapple tree in fruit. Expressing the belief that some of theapples would revive him until the fortunes of the day should bedecided, one of his attendant knights, Roget de Haskell by name,dashed forward amid a shower of the enemy's arrows and broughtto his sovereign a scarf filled with the fruit, whereupon theConqueror bade him bear as his crest a fruit-bearing apple treepierced by a flying arrow. This is placed at the head of thecoat-of-arms.


Type Value Notes Sources


    1. Haskell, William
        1. Haskell, William