, Mary

Birth Name Mary
Gender female


    Family of Dunham, John and , Mary
Unknown Partner Dunham, John ( * 1614/5-02-19 (Julian) + 1692-04-06 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Dunham, Mary1642
Dunham, Lydia16661718-01-02


In Mrs. Barclay's article TAG30:146, she states that the will ofJohn (2) Dunham, dated 2 Feb. 1691 names wife Mary. . . Shestates further "There is no record of his marriage, but heevidently was married about 1640 when about twenty-five years ofage. There is no indication that he had more than one wife, theMary named in his will. Her identity has not been ascertained."


Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 3587


    1. , Mary
      1. Dunham, John
        1. Dunham, Lydia
        2. Dunham, Mary