Woodbury, Thomas Jr.

Birth Name Woodbury, Thomas Jr.
Gender male
Age at Death 43 years, 1 month, 9 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1776-04-23 Beverly, MA.  
Death 1819-06-00 Lost at Sea  


    Family of Woodbury, Thomas Jr. and Baker, Hepsibah
Married Wife Baker, Hepsibah ( * 1776-05-09 + 1825-02-28 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1798-09-16 Beverly, MA  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Woodbury, Thomas1799-05-011867-08-14
Woodbury, Hepsibah Baker1801-05-201892
Woodbury, Jane Homans1802-07-161803-06-25
Woodbury, Caroline1803-12-201827-03-18
Woodbury, John Baker1805-10-031873-01-02
Woodbury, Thorndike1807-07-041828-07-00
Woodbury, Lucy1808-09-25
Woodbury, Elizabeth1810-06-291843-10-00
Woodbury, Edward1813-03-291827-03-00
Woodbury, Sewall Buck1815-01-241818-02-18
Woodbury, Ellen Maria1817-10-081893-05-08


Thomas, s. Thomas and Jane, Apr. 23, 1776. Beverly V.R. (PG.385). Thomas, jr., and Hephzibeth Baker, Sept. 16, 1798. BeverlyV.R. (Pg. 350).Thomas & Hepsia Baker, See: DAR Vol. #82, pg 287. Also See: DARVol. #40, pg. 255.


Type Value Notes Sources
REFN Thomas (6)


    1. Woodbury, Thomas Jr.
      1. Baker, Hepsibah
        1. Woodbury, Thomas
        2. Woodbury, Hepsibah Baker
        3. Woodbury, Jane Homans
        4. Woodbury, Caroline
        5. Woodbury, John Baker
        6. Woodbury, Thorndike
        7. Woodbury, Lucy
        8. Woodbury, Elizabeth
        9. Woodbury, Edward
        10. Woodbury, Sewall Buck
        11. Woodbury, Ellen Maria