Tiverton, RI


  1. Family of Sowle, Joseph and Tripp, Charity
    1. Sowle, Joseph
    2. Tripp, Charity
  2. Soule, William
  3. Soule, Cornelius
  4. Family of Devol, Joseph and Durfee, Ruth
    1. Durfee, Ruth
    2. Devol, Joseph
  5. Durfee, Ruth
  6. Lewis, Meribah
  7. Devol, Joseph
  8. Seabury, Joseph
  9. Sowle, Job
  10. Family of Sowle, Jacob and Lewis, Meribah
    1. Lewis, Meribah
    2. Sowle, Jacob
  11. Gifford, Lydia
  12. Tripp, Charity
  13. Soule, Silvanus
  14. Baker, Jemima
  15. Sowle, Joseph
  16. Sowle, Jacob
  17. Soule, Nathaniel
  18. Soule, Eliphal